Abstract:To determine the resistance level of major rice cultivars in Liaoning province to false smut rice(FSR). a field study was conducted in 2019, evaluating the resistance of 45 rice varieties to rice blast in three different sowing periods. Based on the characteristics of rice blast occurrence in Liaoning, correlation and regression analyses were performed on three disease evaluation indicators, including panicle infection rate, disease severity index, and average number of diseased grains per panicle, to identify the most suitable evaluation method. The results showed that the severity of rice blast varied among different sowing periods, with the second sowing period exhibiting the highest disease severity. There were significant positive correlations between panicle infection rate and disease severity index, as well as between panicle infection rate and average number of diseased grains per panicle. The average diseased panicle rate of FSR was 6.75%, the maximum number of diseased panicles was 1 diseased grain, with46.20%, and the total number of diseased panicles with 1-5 diseased grains were 92.88%. The diseased panicle reflected low disease index trait, the diseased panicle rate as resistance evaluation method could be more objective and operability. Finally, 45 major rice cultivars had 1, 5, 8, 18, 7 and 6 cultivars with HR, R, MR, MS, S, HS grade,respectively. The resistance grade between susceptible grade ratio was 31.1∶68.9, the resistance grade of Liaoning rice cultivars to FSR was insufficient.