To explore the effect of different types of potassium fertilizer on quality of strong gluten wheat, with strong gluten wheat variety Longmai 26 as tested materials, the contrast test was conducted on two different types of potassium fertilizer. Four treatments were set up: 0, 22.5, 37.5, 52.5 kg/ha. The results showed that: There was not significant differences in the main quality indexes in different potassium sulfate treatments. In different potassium chloride treatments, grain protein, sedimentation value, gluten index, water absorption and stability time were not significant differences, tensile area and maximum tensile resistance were significant difference. The best application amount of two different types of potassium fertilizer is 37.5 kg/ha. In the plot with good soil fertility and rich organic matter, potassium chloride is more suitable for the production of strong gluten wheat than potassium sulfate, which not only reduces the production cost but also improves the quality and efficiency.