Abstract:To investigate the polymorphism and correlation of the IGF-2 gene to growth traits in Jilin Barred Plymouth Rocks, this study utilized RT-PCR to clone IGF-2 mRNA from liver tissues of normal and dwarf Barred Plymouth Rocks. The amplification products were sequenced, and SNP sites were identified. One SNP was chosen, and the polymorphism was assessed in seven local chicken using High-Resolution Melting Curve(HRM) analysis. Furthermore, the correlation to growth traits in normal and dwarf Barred Plymouth Rocks was tested by One-Way ANOVA. The results of RT-PCR indicated that IGF-2 mRNA were normally expressed in the livers from both normal and dwarf individuals. Sequencing data revealed the existence of two SNP sites c.345 T>C and 3’UTR19 G>A.The polymorphism analysis of c.345 T>C in seven local populations demonstrated that the TT genotype was dominant in almost population, except for Shouguang chicken, where TC genotype was dominant. It was also observed that Wenshang Barred Plymouth Rocks population did not display any mutation at the site, while Beijing oil and Yellow chicken population did not have CC genotype. The Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium test indicated that the normal and dwarf chicken populations, as well as Yellow chicken and Shouguang chicken populations, were in disequilibrium. Correlation analysis between genotype and growth traits in dwarf chicken populations revealed that, in the dwarf chicken hen population, individuals with TT genotype exhibited significantly higher body weight compared to TC individual(P<0.05). In cock population, individuals with both the TT and TC genotype showed significantly greater on chest depth than those with CC individual(P<0.01). In conclusion, the discovery of polymorphism and their correlation with growth traits in IGF-2 gene provide theoretical evidences for improve the growth traits of local Barred Plymouth Rocks.