



Light Distribution of Three-Dimensional Culture System in Solar Greenhouses and Their Effects on Strawberry Production
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    为了探究日光温室中立体A字架种植模式对草莓生产的影响,从不同层种植槽的光谱特征、草莓叶片的吸光度和净光合速率、果实的产量和品质三个层面开展研究。试验采用立体A字架种植模式,在9:30、12:00和14:30三个时间段进行观测,研究不同层种植槽(上层、中层、下层)的光谱特征、草莓叶片的吸光度和净光合速率。结果表明,在三个时间段上层(U)栽培槽光照强度均高于其他层;东侧中层栽培槽(EM)和西侧中层栽培槽(WM)光照强度相近,处于中间水平;东侧下层栽培槽(EB)和西侧下层栽培槽(WB)光照强度最弱。上层(U)草莓叶片在三个时间段的净光合速率均超过12.23μmol/(m2·s);东侧中层(EM)在9:30和12:00时间段的净光合速率为11.25μmol/(m2·s)和13.01μmol/(m2·s),在14:30时间段下降到3.68μmol/(m2·s),西侧中层(WM)与东侧中层(EM)相反,在14:30时间段为12.01μmol/(m2·s);下层(EB和WB)在9:30和14:30时间段的净光合速率均低于8.81μmol/(m2·s)。上层(U)草莓叶片在450~800 nm波段的吸光度最高,中层(EM和WM)略低于上层,下层(EB和WB)吸光度最低,各层叶片的吸收谷和吸收峰所处波长位置相同,分别为554 nm、677 nm。上层(U)草莓果实的平均产量为325.51 g/株,可溶性固形物含量为12.61%,硬度为1.62 kg/cm2,中层和下层的产量、可溶性固形物含量及硬度均低于上层。本研究为日光温室中立体A字架种植模式在设施草莓生产中的应用提供了重要的理论依据。


    This study aims to explore the impact of adopting three-dimensional A word hanging culture system on strawberry production in solar greenhouses. The research focuses on three aspects: the spectral characteristics of planting troughs at different layers, the light absorption and net photosynthetic rates of strawberry leaves, and the yield and quality of the fruits. The three-dimensional A word hanging culture system was used to grow strawberries,and the spectral characteristics, light absorption, and net photosynthetic rates of strawberry leaves at different layers were analyzed at three time points: 9:30, 12:00 and 14:30. The experimental results showed that the light intensity of the upper cultivation tank(U) was higher than that of the other layers at 9:30, 12:00 and 14:30, the light intensity of the eastern middle cultivation tank(EM) and the western middle cultivation tank(WM) was similar at the middle level, and the light intensity of the eastern bottom cultivation tank(EB) and the western bottom cultivation tank(WB) was the lowest. The net photosynthetic rate of strawberry leaves in the U exceeded 12.23 μmol/(m2·s) at all three times, while that of the EM was 11.25 μmol/(m2·s) and 13.01 μmol/(m2·s) at 9:30 and 12:00, but significantly decreased to 3.68 μmol/(m2·s) at 14:30. The WM, in contrast to the EM, was 12.01 μmol/(m2·s) at 14:30, and the net photosynthetic rate of the EB and WB was lower than 8.81 μmol/(m2·s) in both the 9:30 and 14:30. The absorbance of strawberry leaves in the U was the highest in the 450-800 nm band, the EM and WM was slightly lower than the upper layer, and the EB and WB was the lowest, and the absorption valleys and peaks of the absorption of the leaves of the layers were located at the same wavelengths of 554 nm, and 677 nm respectively. The average yield of strawberry fruits in the U was 325.51 g/plant, and the soluble solids content was 12.61% and hardness of1.62 kg/cm2, while the yield, soluble solids content and hardness of the middle and lower layers were lower than that of the upper layer. This study provides important scientific evidence for the application of the three-dimensional A word hanging culture system in strawberry production within solar greenhouses.



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  • 收稿日期:2023-06-08
  • 在线发布日期: 2024-10-25