Abstract:For further understand the high-yield and stable yield of small-seed peanut varieties in north china, this study used the AMMI model, analyzed the pod yield of 11 varieties at 18 sites in the 2019 northern peanut regional test. The results showed that peanut varieties, test sites, the interaction between varieties and test sites, and the principal component value of interaction effect(IPCA) all reached significant levels of difference, and IPCA1 and IPCA2, IPCA3 together accounted for 71.36% of the interaction effect; among the 11 varieties participating in the experiment. The top 3 high yield varieties were: Jinonghua 16, Kainong 111, Luohua 22. The top 3 stability varieties were: Huayu 20, Luohua 22, Shanghua 588. The top 3 high and stable yield varieties were: Jinonghua 16, Luohua22, Shanghua 588. The top 3 discriminators among the 18 sites were: Heze, Luohe and Zhumadian. The poor discriminators sites were: Jinzhou, Baoding and Puyang,