Abstract:In order to investigate the changes of osmotic adjustment substances and Na+ and K+ contents in potted rapeseed under different stresses of NaCl concentration, pot experiment was conducted to determine proline, soluble sugar, soluble protein, betaine and antibiotics in rape leaves under different NaCl concentrations. The activities of oxidase(superoxide dismutase, catalase, peroxidase and the changes of Na+ and K+ contents in different parts of roots, stems and leaves of plants. The results showed that: with the increase of NaCl concentration, the osmotic adjustment substances accumulaed in different degrees, among which the increase of proline and soluble sugar was the most significant; with the increase of NaCl concentration, SOD, POD and CAT in the antioxidant enzyme system.Synergistic action to remove the generated ROS, POD played a leading role; with the increase of NaCl concentration,the overall Na+ content increases K+ content, the Na+ content in the stem increases first and then decreases, and the maximum value appears when the NaCl concentration was 250 mmol/L. The K+ content was relatively stable in roots and leaves. When the NaCl concentration was 250 mmol/L, 350 mmol/L, the K+ content in the stem decreased significantly. In conclusion, the physiological indexes of feed rapeseed changed significantly at NaCl stress concentration of 250 mmol/L, 350 mmol/L, and NaCl stress above 250 mmol/L significantly inhibited the growth of rapeseed.