Abstract:Based on the results of the joint identification test of regional adaptability of millet varieties in the core producing areas of Northeast China from 2017 to 2021, the main agronomic traits and yield performance of all tested varieties were compared and analyzed, and the 18 varieties that passed the identification were further analyzed and classified. The results showed that the tested varieties showed strong local regionalism, and regional adaptability should be further improved. Yield potential performance of new millet varieties was affected by stable yield and adaptability during the five years, and no breakthrough was found. The main direction of millet breeding in the core producing areas of northeast China was to further increase the weight of single panicle and grain per panicle. The goal of reducing plant height was basically achieved, but the improvement of agronomic traits related to yield was not obvious, which may be related to the trend of paying more attention to quality improvement in millet production than the pursuit of yield. The five millet series showed different differences in main agronomic traits, and the breeding bias of local varieties was obvious, which was consistent with the corresponding regional production bias.