Abstract:In order to comprehensively evaluate the density and lodging resistance of soybean varieties in Northeast China and screen the density and lodging resistance and high-yield soybean varieties, this study took 75 soybean varieties as experimental materials, and set two treatments of the conventional density 200,000 plants·ha-1 and highdensity 300,000 plants/ha to determine the lodging related indexes of key growth period and agronomic and yield traits of maturity period. Based on the ratio of the related traits of high density and conventional density, the density and lodging resistance of soybean was comprehensively evaluated by principal component analysis and membership function analysis. The results showed that 24 individual indexes related to the density and the lodging resistance traits could be transformed into 7 relatively independent comprehensive indicators, and the cumulative contribution rate of the traits was 72.041%, and combined with the yield and lodging level of each variety, 8 high-yield materials such as Heinong 43 were further screened out, which provided an important reference for the dense planting and high-yield cultivation and the breeding of dense-tolerant soybean varieties in Northeast China.