Abstract:In order to identify the suitable sowing distance and high-yielding characteristic of dry direct-sowing rice, and clarify the effect of sowing density on plant type and loding resitance. A field experiment was conducted using rice cultivar with 3 types of japonica rice under 4 row spaces, to study the effects of different row spacing on rice yield, component factors, panicle traits, stem physical characteristics and lodging resistance.The results showed that:(1)With increasing row spaces, yield of the three rice cultivar increased firstly and then decreased, productive panicle number decreased, the full grains per panicle, 1 000-seed weight and seed setting rate increased; and the yield of the three rice varieties was the highest at 20 cm row spaces.(2)With increasing row spaces, panicle length,grain density, No. of primary branch, No. of secondary branch, No. of grains of primary branch and No. of grains of secondary branch showed a tendency of increase; but it showed a decreasing tendency in ratio of No. of primary branch to No. of secondary branch and ratio of No. of grains of primary branch to No. of grains of secondary branch.(3)The fresh plant weight, grain weight per panicle and ratio of neck internodes length to stalk length gradually increased, the relative gravity center height gradually were debased, and the fresh weight, culm diameter and dry weight of basal 1st, 2nd internode gradually were enhanced, and the internode length were gradually shortened with decreasing row spaces.(4)The breaking resistance and bending moment of basal 1st, 2nd and internodes and Antithrust per stem were increased with decreasing planting density, but lodging index was decreased.(5)The correlation analysis showed that the breaking resistance of N1, N2, N3 internodes had significant or extremely significant with panicle length, density of grain setting, particle density, first branch number per panicle, second branch number per panicle, anti-thrust per stem, and the fresh weight, dry weight, culm diameter, while it showed a negative correlation with the ratio of gravity center height. The suitable row space is beneficial to control the proportion of basal internode allocation, optimize the panicle character, and improve the yield and lodging resistance of rice in drought direct seeding.